
Make Good Bus Routes Great

How do we make public transport in Christchurch better? We have several good bus routes in Christchurch that have OK frequencies, some level of bus priority and


C30T on the Tumbarumba Branch

C30T on the Tumbarumba Branch.

One of the
disappointing aspects of trying to model the Tumbarumba branch around 1970, was
that very few locomotive classes were used. 
After about 1961, virtually all the traffic was handled by 48 class…

C30T on the Tumbarumba Branch

C30T on the Tumbarumba Branch.

One of the
disappointing aspects of trying to model the Tumbarumba branch around 1970, was
that very few locomotive classes were used. 
After about 1961, virtually all the traffic was handled by 48 class…