The Government has announced it won’t provide new funding to KiwiRail to help with the growing cost of replacing the Interislander ferry fleet. In 2023, there w
The excel tables present annual road deaths, population and road death rates per 100,000 population from 2012 to 2021 by state and territory (where data is available), by indigenous status. The excel tables include road deaths and road death rates per …
A very small number in today, so a small posting. We did have a very nice surprise during the morning with an unexpected visit.Maurice’s first job was to undercoat the large planks destined for another wagon repair (not sure which one). After tha…
Public transport has been topical in Taranaki recently, with many in our community calling for a different and better way of doing things. It’s a long-overdue a
There has been a recently large increase in competitive federal grant programs for transportation, and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has considerable control over how the programs are structured and the funds awarded to states and other…
The December issue of Australian Model Railway Magazine features two of my books in the reviews section.My latest title Model Railway Weathered Wonders and this year’s Model Railway Backdrop Basics are still recieving a lot of exposure, thanks to reade…
An on-demand bus service trial in Hastings has put a “significant load” on the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s call centre, and is double the cost of a regular f
Over the past several years, a number of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and a few metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) have taken on the role of developing statewide/regionwide transit information systems that are intended to collect …
This report presents road deaths and road death rates for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations and Australian states and territories. The rates allow for a comparison of Australia’s road safety performance with that of…