
The Most Convincing UFO Encounter

The Most Convincing UFO Encounter

It’s been 30 years, and we are still plagued by what happened to these children. These children witnessed something that would forever change the course of their lives. Some are still haunted by the sight of what the…


David Wilcock LIVE: Prophetic Dreams Come True

David Wilcock LIVE: Prophetic Dreams Come True

On Tuesday 6/25, we did an emergency show featuring prophetic dreams and ‘comms’ indicating a 48-hour window for huge changes to occur.

On Thursday 6/27, two EPIC events occurred — both completely f…


Contact With Non-Human Intelligences

Contact With Non-Human Intelligences

In this video, internationally recognised researcher and writer in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas, Mary Rodwell, presents a series of case studies around multidimensional past life contact with non-human int…


UFOs In Your Hometown – By Special Request

UFOs In Your Hometown – By Special Request

Preston Dennett:

UFOs are seen all over our planet. It appears that virtually every location on Earth has a long and rich history of UFO encounters. But is this true? Recently a put out a challenge: name a…