
Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Secret space program, clones, World wide revolution, Negative/Positve extraterrestrials, The black sun, Deep state about to be taken out, The royals, EBS…

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/zL0lsD9PUkc…


Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Secret space program, clones, World wide revolution, Negative/Positve extraterrestrials, The black sun, Deep state about to be taken out, The royals, EBS…

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/zL0lsD9PUkc…


Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Ismael Perez: White Hat Update

Secret space program, clones, World wide revolution, Negative/Positve extraterrestrials, The black sun, Deep state about to be taken out, The royals, EBS…

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/zL0lsD9PUkc…


Alien or Human Technology? The Impossible Distinction!

Alien or Human Technology? The Impossible Distinction!

Alien or Human Technology? The Impossible Distinction! – Researcher Michael Schratt claims to have had firsthand experience with classified “Black Programs” including former USAF pilots, retired…


This Sacred Lake In Costa Rica Is Full Of UFOs!

This Sacred Lake In Costa Rica Is Full Of UFOs!

Lake Cote is a sacred lake in Costa Rica full of UFOs. Shrouded in mystery and legend, Lago Cote also holds some of the most compelling photographic evidence of a UAP.

In 1971, Sergio Loaiza, a Costa…


Explore More…

Explore More…


Explore More the places around you. Go into the woods, forest, take on Nature and receive the LOVE and the Contacts.


Explore mais os lugares ao seu redor. Entre na mata, na floresta, encare a Natureza e receba o …