First point down

Small progress. This is going to be steady methinks. And already I’ve wound people up. The holes in the boards for the joining bolts are on the sloppy side. This was the same with Rhiw2 and allows the track to be laid flat, but some up/down jiggle…

Boards up.

 With Rhiw lying unloved and unconnected, the new basic boards have been set up. This all happened without drama, though to be honest, if I can’t do this sort of thing with my eyes closed by now then something is wrong. Simple is the key here and …

Some FY track

Striking while the iron was hot… literally. Time to get at least a couple of bits of track down. No outlandish methods here, all classic stuff. The board were lined up and bits of sleeper-width thin card stuck in place, followed by pairs of EM copper…