UFOS In Your Home Town: Episode Six

UFOS In Your Home Town: Episode Six

Preston Dennett:

The challenge continues! Name any town or city, and the chances are almost 100% that a UFO encounter has occurred there. In early 2024, I put out this challenge. So far, there have been cases in …

Paranormal Bigfoot: Tara Harris, Medium

Paranormal Bigfoot: Tara Harris, Medium

Tara Harris wasn’t sure Bigfoot existed, but she knew Ghosts were real. One day with a friend in the woods, she met Bigfoot and ended up learning a lot about him and them…

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/…

UAP Congressional Hearing Analysis

UAP Congressional Hearing Analysis

Timothy Alberino discusses the highlights of the recent House Oversight Committee on UAP and the testimonies of Admiral Timothy Gallaudet, Luis Elizondo, Michael Gold, and Michael Shellenberger.

YouTube link: h…