009 dreaming

 Been busy. Actually, been busy slimming down in several different ways much of which is another story. The main thrust has been trying to get Trefach finished on schedule, which hasn’t been easy; a lot of time-hungry walling, fencing and building…

Wyatt slate fencing

 Back through the mists of time; well 1979 to be precise, the iconic Dovey Valley appeared in RM over two issues. One of these contained a method of constructing slate waste slab fencing using plastic sheet. This has been used by 009-ers ever sinc…

Grass at last

 It would have been stupid to think that this was going to be a quick project, but my inability to play the game and therefore not build things at they were intended or to take the easy road has slowed things to a crawl. This has not been improved…

Saturday Ramble: More death and disposal

 One of the more controversial posts here of late has been the Swedish Death Cleaning proposal. Not only has this received a sensible number of hits, but has made me and others consider what we may be doing and in some cases it has generated a bit…

Too much to do?

 I find myself in the position of too much to do at the moment, to the point where I spent near on12 hours standing today working on the 009 project. Bliss some would say, but only from the position of having a choice. There is a 16t mineral on th…

009 groundwork

 Getting some ground shape in place is always a good thing especially when the the picture in your head is in the lumpy side and you are staring at a flat board. The back boards had been cut quite a while back as part of the baseboard bu…

Squeaky bridge

 One of the boxes to tick on the Peco epic (I must settle on a name) was to make it generic and yet as un-generic as possible; and that it would use the brace of FR RTR that is now available. One of my pet peeves is the current crop of w…

Back to the 009

 Various other life issues have slowed the return back to the Peco 009 layout build, not to mention a rush brace of book review that were requested for the same company. It’s like I never left. Some serious forward planning was required and with a…

Let’s go railway modelling…

I’m hesitant about this, but it would be easy to let it be the elephant in the room. I wrote the main text back in 2019 and the whole gist of the project was for it to be a general book that would appear in bookshops, not just via the model trade and o…