TRB’s Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) program has issued its New IDEAS for Transit: Annual Report of the Transit IDEA Program , which summarizes recent investigations conducted under the Transit IDEA program. The Transit IDEA Pr…
TRB’s Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) program has released the latest issue of its New IDEAs for Highway Systems: Annual Report of the Highway IDEA Program , which summarizes projects active or completed during the 2023 program …
Unemployment, low wages, poverty, and lack of affordable housing are the main drivers of an increasing homeless population throughout the U.S. in recent years. Transit agencies are being impacted by homelessness. While transit agencies cannot address t…
New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program presents a summary of progress on investigations conducted as part of the Rail Safety Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (Rail Safety IDEA) program sponsored by the …
Crash prediction analysis focuses on identifying attributes that result in traffic crashes and proposes effective countermeasures to improve the roadway design and operational attributes. These crash frequency models are typically employed for examinin…
Current test methods that measure the electrical conductance or resistivity of concrete provide a rapid indication of concrete ability to resist chloride ion penetration. Although these methods do not provide a direct relationship to concrete water per…
The U.S. military has established resilience practices for domestic installations, and a number of different military organizations, such as the Air National Guard, are co-located at civilian airports. This situation provides opportunities for airports…
In an effort to relieve highway congestion and promote the movement of people, some state departments of transportation have modified their freeway facilities to include high occupancy vehicle lanes, high occupancy toll lanes (HOT, or HO lanes), and ot…
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released its annual report. This Annual Report provides a concise list of research published in 2023 and a list of all active projects, projects completed in 2023, and projects that were a…
The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has released its annual report, which provides an overview of the program, status of each of TCRP’s projects, and a summary of some of the program’s accomplishments for the year. TCRP focuses on issue…