The first two aircraft to undergo the ‘Increment 3’ modification will be upgraded in Jacksonville, Florida, with the remainder of the fleet of 12 to be completed at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia.
The descent was controlled by an auto-flight system that had to be disconnected when the aircraft dipped to 480 ft below the minimum safe level and wouldn’t respond to crew instruction.
The QF9 service – one of the world’s longest – will now stop over in Singapore because the 787’s range isn’t long enough to divert around the Middle East.
Freight will be moved on trucks to keep the Invercargill to Christchurch rail link open after a bridge failure cut the South Island main trunk line this afternoon.
The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) has penned a response to the Australian Trucking Association’s (ATA) call for improvements to be made for level […]
Frank Kendall said there would also be a pilot in the cockpit alongside him, but “hopefully” neither would be required to take control of the specially adapted aircraft.
The United Firefighters Union of Australia said the “in-principle” deal with Airservices satisfies its concerns about understaffing, resourcing and working conditions.
The United Firefighters Union of Australia said the “in-principle” deal with Airservices satisfies its concerns about understaffing, resourcing and working conditions.