Rail freight key to keep Australia’s grain market financially competitive

Bulk transport by rail is among a crop of measures from the Australian GrainGrowers, a national association reprinting the arable farming industry and its supply chain at large. Soaring costs, particularly in transportation, threaten to make home-grown grain financially unsustainable. That is a situation that GrainGrowers recognises as untenable. They seek to address it with…

Ukrainian Railways grows exports by 48,8%

Ukrainian Railways (UZ) has exported 30,4 million tonnes of goods between January and April 2024. This is 48,8 per cent more than during the same period last year. PKP LHS, operating between Poland and Ukraine, shows a similar trend. “In 2024, one of our priorities is to increase the volume of cargo transportation, in particular…

What spurs the international effort to bridge Afghanistan via rail?

Countries in Afghanistan’s vicinity have grown an interest in developing its rail infrastructure. More and more projects are being launched, or are at the very least being considered, that would elevate the country to an international “rail bridge” to the Indian Ocean. What are these projects, and what motivates these countries? As the desert dust…

What spurs the international effort to bridge Afghanistan via rail?

Countries in Afghanistan’s vicinity have grown an interest in developing its rail infrastructure. More and more projects are being launched, or are at the very least being considered, that would elevate the country to an international “rail bridge” to the Indian Ocean. What are these projects, and what motivates these countries? As the desert dust…

KTZ temporarily bans agricultural exports to China after border overload

Kazakh Railways (KTZ) has temporarily banned the export of agricultural goods via rail to China. KTZ explains the ban by referring to overloaded border crossings. At the Dostyk and Khorgos border crossings, 180 and 100 covered goods wagons respectively are waiting to be processed. According to KTZ, the Chinese railways do not unload the wagons…

Khorgos grain terminal starts operating in test mode

A new grain terminal has been opened in Khorgos on the Kazakh-Chinese border. The terminal is currently operating in test mode. In the future, local authorities plan to increase storage capacity twentyfold, up to one million tonnes. In the special economic zone of Khorgos, the new grain terminal has begun accepting grain wagons. It facilitates…

Polish operator bills farmers blocking its tracks: 1,3 million PLN for a day

PKP LHS, the operator and manager of the Polish Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa (LHS) line, has billed protesting farmers over a million Polish złoty for blocking its tracks. Polish farmers are protesting the import and transit of Ukrainian agricultural products. They have been blocking various types of infrastructure, but PKP LHS is now hitting back. PKP […]

Polish farmers spill 160 tonnes of Ukrainian grain from rail wagons

While Polish farmers continue their protests against incoming Ukrainian goods, they do so more and more intensely. A recent spilling of 180 tonnes of Ukrainian grain from freight wagons marks a new low for the transit of Ukrainian products through Poland. Ukraine has now appealed to the Polish government to ‘do everything under the sun’ […]