Polish farmers spill 160 tonnes of Ukrainian grain from rail wagons

While Polish farmers continue their protests against incoming Ukrainian goods, they do so more and more intensely. A recent spilling of 180 tonnes of Ukrainian grain from freight wagons marks a new low for the transit of Ukrainian products through Poland. Ukraine has now appealed to the Polish government to ‘do everything under the sun’ […]

Polish protesters deliver promise, blocking and spilling Ukrainian cargo

The escalation of protests that Polish farmers announced a few days ago is occurring. Protesters gathered at the Medyka freight station on the Polish-Ukrainian border and targeted wagons carrying grain destined for Germany. Specifically, they opened the hatches of two freight wagons and spilt over the contained cargo. Ukrainian Railways expressed their dismay and called […]

Russian grain imports and transit should be banned, says Latvian minister

Latvian Minister of Transport Kaspars Briškens wants to ban all imports and transit of Russian grain due to the possibility that imports include grain stolen from Ukraine. A total ban could have significant economic consequences for the Latvian rail sector, with losses of up to 40 million euros. In an interview with public broadcaster Latvijas […]