The country’s Deputy Transport Minister, Joo Jong-wan, said its contents were now being converted into an audio format, while the second box, the flight data recorder, was being sent to the US for analysis after it was damaged.
The decision to allow non-citizens originally from Five Eyes countries to join the ADF was announced six months ago, in a bid to alleviate a skill shortage in the military.
On Sunday, several aviation experts questioned why damage to the engine would have prevented the landing gear from lowering or why the ‘wall’ containing the instrument landing system was placed so close to the start of the runway.
As a condition of the deal for Qatar to purchase 25 per cent of Virgin, the domestic carrier pledged to drop its longstanding codeshare with Etihad. The move is likely to hugely damage the UAE carrier, given the tie-up was a major incentive to book.
The aircraft, operated by low-cost carrier Jeju, is thought to have been hit by a bird strike that damaged its landing gear and forced the crew to attempt a “crash landing”.