In the Australian Airports Association’s submission to the ACCC on the proposal, CEO Simon Westaway said the plan for Virgin to wet lease Qatar Airways aircraft would add extra international capacity for both passengers and cargo.
The carrier has undertaken what it says was the world’s first EDTO (Extended Detour Time Operations) 120 737-800BCF flight from Melbourne to Perth on behalf of Team Global Express, having recently been certified by New Zealand’s Civil Aviation Authorit…
Speaking to Australian Aviation, Chris Ellis, the Chilean carrier’s country manager for Oceania, said the existing route from Sydney to Santiago via Auckland had been popular with travellers, and that the inaugural non-stop flight had completely sold o…
Airport passenger numbers grew by a total of 1.5 per cent over the same quarter last year to more than 2.1 million, with 1.6 per cent growth in domestic and 1 per cent in international traffic. The airport has attributed the trend to “capacity growth a…
Steve Purvinas, who had served as federal secretary of the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) since 2006, had battled union officials over a no-confidence motion passed against him earlier this year.
The Royal Australian Air Force was the launch customer for the E-7 Wedgetail platform and was joined by the Republic of Korea Air Force and the Turkish Air Force, which currently operates the E-7.
Fifty-nine per cent of members approved the agreement, the fourth put forward by the planemaker, which increases pay by 38 per cent over four years and awards extra bonuses for ratification and productivity but does not bring back a pension plan frozen…
The Port of Liverpool is building what it claims will be the UK’s biggest roof mounted solar power array, and a government representative, who just happens to be the local MP, has been along to see it happening.