Tajikistan looking for 7,5 billion dollars in funding for rail

Tajikistan seems to be hopping onto the bandwagon for rail infrastructure in Central Asia. The country is looking for 7,5 billion dollars (7 billion euros) in investments for its rail network. The Tajik rail infrastructure is underdeveloped yet crucial for the country’s international trade. At an economic forum in the Russian city of Kazan, the…

What spurs the international effort to bridge Afghanistan via rail?

Countries in Afghanistan’s vicinity have grown an interest in developing its rail infrastructure. More and more projects are being launched, or are at the very least being considered, that would elevate the country to an international “rail bridge” to the Indian Ocean. What are these projects, and what motivates these countries? As the desert dust…

What spurs the international effort to bridge Afghanistan via rail?

Countries in Afghanistan’s vicinity have grown an interest in developing its rail infrastructure. More and more projects are being launched, or are at the very least being considered, that would elevate the country to an international “rail bridge” to the Indian Ocean. What are these projects, and what motivates these countries? As the desert dust…

Russia hoping to use INSTC to evade sanctions, says think tank

According to the US-based think tank The Jamestown Foundation, Russia hopes to use the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) as a way to evade Western sanctions. The development of the corridor allows Russia to gain more open access to non-Western markets. Those could provide Russia with much-needed goods for its war economy. The INSTC is […]

Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan create INSTC joint venture

Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan plan to create a joint venture for the development of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). The plan aims to improve the delivery of transportation services, shorten cargo delivery times and streamline customs services. The INSTC is a transport corridor that connects Russia and Iran along the western and eastern coasts […]