Italy awards contracts worth 477 million euros for Rome-Pescara line upgrade

Italian rail infrastructure manager Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) has awarded two contracts, which are worth 477 million euros, for upgrades along the Rome-Pescara line. According to RFI, the upgrades will have numerous benefits, among which is the potential growth of freight traffic. The two contracts concern upgrades between the intermodal hub Interporto D’Abruzzo and Manoppello,…

Doubling of Rome-Pescara railway (partly) back on track?

The initiative to improve rail traffic along the Rome-Pescara line, which connects the Italian Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coasts seems to be back on course, at least partially. As the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni mentioned, almost a billion euros was put back on the table for Lots 1 and 2 of the project. The project […]