Azerbaijan Railways might be the next to build a rail terminal in China

Azerbaijani Railways (ADY) is considering the option of purchasing or building a railway terminal in China. The company follows a recent trend initiated by KTZ, and possibly aims at maximizing the capacity of the Middle Corridor.  ADY’s Chairman Rovshan Rustamov made the company’s intentions known to appoint a special representative for China, as Azerbaijani outlet…

Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is officially open again after year-long closure

The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway was subject to significant upgrades targeting its capacity for roughly a year. With most work concluded in early March, the railway was expected to restart operations in late May 2024. The expectations turned into reality, and as a result, the BTK line saw its first freight train running after a long time.…

Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway opens in April after major refurbishment

The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line (BTK), spanning the territories of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, has been undergoing a major ‘facelift’ since last year. The goal is for the line to regain its past prestige and become a key route extending the Middle Corridor’s rail leg through Turkey to Europe. “We will commence cargo operations soon,” commented […]