Quick rod

The ground frame and waving 2nd man was present on Rhiw Mk 1 and has since re-appeared on the Mk2. On both versions without any exiting rodding for the point and the FPL. I’m sure that there would be various proto-guidelines for the operation of the cr…

Quick rod

The ground frame and waving 2nd man was present on Rhiw Mk 1 and has since re-appeared on the Mk2. On both versions without any exiting rodding for the point and the FPL. I’m sure that there would be various proto-guidelines for the operation of the cr…

A new fiddle yard for Rhiw

Further to the last missive; a little work today, dancing between other things, on a quick baseboard build for the new short FY for the home running of Rhiw. A ferret around in the huge pile of old baseboards and MDF off-cuts in the garage turned up en…