Several civil society organisations in Mozambique have reportedly filed an injunction against mobile operators TMcel, Vodacom and Movitel over ongoing mobile internet shutdowns and blocked access to social media and messaging sites.
In the Australian Airports Association’s submission to the ACCC on the proposal, CEO Simon Westaway said the plan for Virgin to wet lease Qatar Airways aircraft would add extra international capacity for both passengers and cargo.
The carrier has undertaken what it says was the world’s first EDTO (Extended Detour Time Operations) 120 737-800BCF flight from Melbourne to Perth on behalf of Team Global Express, having recently been certified by New Zealand’s Civil Aviation Authorit…
Speaking to Australian Aviation, Chris Ellis, the Chilean carrier’s country manager for Oceania, said the existing route from Sydney to Santiago via Auckland had been popular with travellers, and that the inaugural non-stop flight had completely sold o…
It was was some trepidation that work began. I settled myself with the attitude that this was pence spent so no problem if it were to be abandoned halfway through and jumped on; or recycled back into Coke bottles.The floor was raised at one end by 2-3m…