The Zenae are a Lyran colony that departed Vega to settle in the Zenatean system within the Andromeda constellation. This binary star system, also known as Titawin, hosts four planets in orbit along with th…
On the top of a mountain ridge in Antarctica, the remains of what appears to be part of an ancient fortress wall can be observed. The first structure measures 32 meters in height, 26 meters in length, and 16 meters in width. A second similar struc…
State highway agencies across the country are upgrading standards, policies, and processes to satisfy the 2016 AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement for MASH. NCHRP Research Report 1078: MASH Railing Load Requirements for Bridge Deck Overhang , fr…
Cracking and durability issues of asphalt pavements have been primary concerns of departments of transportation the last two decades. Several modes of asphalt pavement cracking exist—fatigue, top-down, reflective, and thermal—and all are influenced by …
London North Eastern Railway 1950 Brake Corridor Third E1866 (GOLD)Existing tasks continue including cleaning the brass window frames and improving the passenger door frames read for their new skins.London North Eastern Railway 1938 Brake Third Open E1…
Many states are exploring road usage charge (RUC) programs as they seek sustainable alternatives to the fuel tax. NCHRP WebResource 2: Road Usage Charge Guide , from TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program, offers a collection of RUC resour…
New Plymouth District councillors have recently spent almost four days listening to impassioned, angry, learned, humorous and sometimes inspiring submissions fr
Union Pacific Railroad scored 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2023-24 Corporate Equality Index, a leading national benchmark identifying companies with a strong track record of embracing LGBTQ+ equality in practices, policies, and ben…