Full steam ahead for rail trail with no business case

Regional Victoria will have even more amazing tourist attractions for people to visit with exciting local projects getting off the ground through the Enabling Tourism Fund.

Bendigo West MP Maree Edwards seems hell bent on pushing through a rail trail removing a key rail line between two large regional cities in Victoria.

The attached photograph contains a group of people who would not have been on a bicycle in years.

The plan from this sitting member is to permanently remove the rail infrastructure for a rail trail with no business case and no catchment area between two major cities that need a passenger rail service. This will be yet another poor decision not made by Victoria as a whole for the benefit of all Victorians but a callous and divisive decision (the ALP is great at this) depriving those who need passenger rail services from having access to one. The state wreckers do really come from Bendigo it would seem.

We have already witnessed both V/Line and Victrack involved in significant damage to the rail line, hence the comment below from the underperforming member.

Member for Bendigo West, Maree Edwards, said the study has been allocated $120,000 and will examine what work needs to be done, what project could cost and what potential impacts are.

“The trail is already there, there’s probably not that needs to be done to enable this apart from safety, environmental issues and things like that,” she said.

Maree Edwards MP is all about road safety in her diatribe but has not achieved a single project to remove dangerous trucks from the roads or to move people travelling around between key locations to more palatable rail based passenger services over coaches which remain unpopular.

This simply highlights how the Victorian government is not and has never been about road safety or reducing carbon emissions, it is about pandering to a small number of people (probably around 5) who have never contributed any value at all to the community in their lifetime.

One thought on “Full steam ahead for rail trail with no business case

  1. No business case for the destruction of yet another important piece of rail infrastructure. How is Victoria going to address the burgeoning freight task that will tripple of the next 20 years?

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