Melissa Horne’s disastrous management of rail freight in Victoria

“While Government turns our farmland into solar farms to reduce its carbon footprint, it leaves our farmers in the lurch with increasing transport emissions.”

Thirteen Government water authorities, including four in Melbourne, have cut carbon emissions using green energy credits from the Kiamal solar farm at Ouyen.

However, by not reinstating the direct rail route to the Ports of Geelong and Melbourne, the Government is arguably causing increased carbon emissions due to an over-reliance on road transport.

Despite all the ‘messaging’ from Governments, the fact remains that the decision to not reinstate the direct rail route from one of Australia’s largest food bowls to the ports has caused setbacks for local businesses, and infrastructure projects:

  • $55 million GrainCorp’s Project Regeneration suspended: The aim is improve train loading at seven sites across the Murray Basin Rail region including Yelta and Murrayville, while Ouyen was to get a major investment in a 1,000 tonne per hour train loader. The project was to provide significant benefits to grain growers across the region with a $10 per tonne return.
  • $46 million Sunraysia Mallee Port Link (SMPL) Project suspended: This “shovel-ready” intermodal (shipping container) rail terminal project, located 11 km south of Ouyen, was intended to handle half to two thirds of the 800,000+ tonnes of freight currently going by road from the Mildura Rural City Council LGA and Sunraysia region, needing 19 million truck kilometres p.a. A cost effective rail option with five or more services per week will stimulate value adding opportunities and it is what the trucking companies want.
  • $12 million Export Hay Processing Facility at SMPL suspended: Expected to employ up to fifty staff, has resulted in lost employment opportunities and an economic injection for the region.
  • $0.5 million Grain Cleaning and Container Packing Operation at Ouyen suspended: This has led to grain being trucked to southern Victoria for packing and subsequent road transport to the Port of Melbourne, further increasing road traffic and emissions.
  • Opportunities for Mineral Sand Mining suspended: The suspension of the proposed rail terminal south of Ouyen has hindered potential mineral sand mining operations, impacting local economic development.

Despite millions in Federal Government funding for the Ballarat West Intermodal Terminal, years later no track has been connected and no operator has been appointed to the intermodal terminal.

Despite millions in funding and promise after promise years later we are no further forward in delivering Port Rail Shuttles to the Port of Melbourne.

Melissa Horne has been in the portfolio for several years and during this time the percentage of freight carried on rail in Victoria between the Port and the customer has substantially declined. At the same time increased truck movements have destroyed the quality of roads around the state.

Under Melissa Horne rail freight in Victoria has been in decline

Now we have a situation where investment in major projects around the state is being stopped due to poor rail freight infrastructure.

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