Queensland Government commits to big build

Image: Tupungato/stock.adobe.com

Queensland’s Deputy Premier Cameron Dick has revealed the Government’s $107 billion Big Build capital program, which will deliver a range of projects including transport infrastructure.

This investment reflects the ramping up of construction on the Miles Labor Government’s Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, rail and road upgrades and hospital infrastructure program.

Of the record $107 billion Big Build, more than $27 billion in capital works will be delivered next financial year alone.

The forward estimates reflects increases in construction activity, which includes $2.1 billion for Direct Sunshine Coast Rail.

Premier Steven Miles said This investment will bring a generational change, creating more jobs, better communities, and stronger regions.

“Almost 70 per cent of this work is happening in regional areas representing the biggest investment in regional job creation in the states history, – supporting around 50,000 jobs outside of Greater Brisbane,” he said.

“As the economy slows, this level of investment and job creation is critical to Queensland’s future success and economic prosperity.”

This $27 billion investment will directly support around 72,000 jobs.

$18.57 billion of the 2024-25 capital program will be invested outside the Greater Brisbane region, supporting around 50,000 jobs.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish said the Big Build is a massive commitment to Queenslanders to build the infrastructure we need for our growing state.

“Investing in our roads, including the Bruce Highway, in our rail revolution for South East Queensland and improved public transport across the state means that Queenslanders will be able to get where they need to go, safely and reliably,” he said.

“In December, I committed to further enhancing transparency with the Queensland public, highlighting where the costs of certain projects had exceeded our forecasts and budgets as a result of challenging market conditions across the nation and internationally.

“It is critical that we keep managing these costs, and managing these projects, so that we can continue to deliver the infrastructure that we need across Queensland.”

This is the proportion of capital expenditure in regional Queensland ever, and biggest jobs creation program set to be delivered in regional Queensland ever.

The Big Build also continues investment on major transformation infrastructure, including Cross River Rail, the Coomera Connector, the Health and Hospital Expansion Program, and Stage 3 of the Gold Coast Light Rail.

To find out more about projects visit Queensland Big Build.

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