The Nommo – Sirius C, Exploring the Origins and Unique World of Xylanthia

An ethereal portrayal of the Nommo beings, indigenous to Sirius C, amidst the mesmerizing world of Xylanthia

The Origins of the Nommo

Nommo are originally indigenous to Nyan, a planet of the Thula (Sirius B) system, but chased by the Orion Alliance, they migrated to the third star of the Ashkeru system: the dark dwarf Emerya, epicentre of the elliptic orbit for the two other stars. There, was a unique planet they terraformed to fit their survival requirements. They named it Xylanthia.

The Nature of Nommo

Nommos are amphibian beings, and also androgynous in reason of the peculiar influence of the two other stars upon all life-forms on Xylanthia. Torn between the powerful gravitational force of Ashkera and the pulling dense magnetism of Thula, Emerya is epicentre not only of gravity for the two celestial bodies but also, for complex magnetic configurations.

A captivating depiction of Xylanthia, home to the Nommo beings, orbiting amidst the celestial dance of Sirius A, B and C stars in the Thula planetary system

Xylanthia: The Unique Planet

In reason of the nearby orbits of the two other stars, there is no night on Xylanthia. It is an amazing and surprising world, intensely showered by the light of three stars and mainly covered by oceans. It is a rich, beautiful aquatic world.

Interaction with Terrestrial Civilizations

The Nommo made contact with many former Terran civilizations about 5 (Earth) millenniums ago (Sumer, Babylon, Acadia, Egypt, Dogo…), but retired when chased by the reptilian Ciakahrr Empire.

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