Is Wellington’s $7.4b transport plan on life support

National Party claims Wellington’s $7.4 billion transport plan is on life support after Treasury documents warned there might not be enough money in the pot to fully pay for it.

But the Transport Minister says he has been upfront about the plan also needing money from the Government outside of the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF).

Treasury’s Half-Year Economic and Fiscal Update, which was released earlier this month, said it was initially expected Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) could be paid for from the fund but costs have since increased, the document said.

“As the NLTF is currently under significant pressure, it is possible that the Government will be asked to contribute funding to LGWM. The ability to deliver LGWM in full also relies on local government providing its own share.”

The Government announced its preferred option for LGWM in June. It includes removing private vehicles from the Golden Mile, a second Mt Victoria tunnel, and light rail to the city’s southern suburbs.

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