
New Year

Last year we started January with a summary table of the fleet, which went down well, so we thought we should repeat this. You can compare the situation to last year and most will agree there are only very minor differences.Returning to the workshop, t…


Ismael Perez: Breakaway Groups

Ismael Perez: Breakaway Groups

In this thought-provoking video, Ismael delves into the intriguing realm of breakaway groups, unraveling hidden narratives and shedding light on lesser-known aspects of our world. With meticulous research and insightful…


UNDENIABLE: Five True UFO Encounters

UNDENIABLE: Five True UFO Encounters

While there are those who are skeptical that UFOs exist, the truth is that the evidence for extraterrestrials is undeniable. Landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions, physiological effects…t…