Chair of the ARA steps down


After almost five years as the chair of the Australasian Railway Association (ARA), Danny Broad has announced he will be stepping down from his position on the 25th of November. 

Broad spent four years as the CEO and five years as the chair and advised the board at last week’s ARA general meeting of his decision.

“This has been a difficult decision, as I greatly enjoy my role of Chair at the ARA, but the time has come for me to spend more time with my family,” he said.

“I have had a long and wonderful association with the ARA, first as Board Director when I worked for Downer, then as CEO and most recently as chair.

“It has been such a fulfilling part of my career and in recent years I have relished the opportunity to support our CEO, Caroline Wilkie and her team in driving significant reform across all sectors of our industry.”

Broad noted a number of ARA programs that he was proud of in his time at the organisation:

  • Working with the ARA Board to support our industry and the ARA team during the various challenges of Covid while substantially growing our membership numbers,
  • Growing the research, policy development and advocacy activities of the ARA resulting in such launches as the Future of Freight Report, The Benefits of a Local Content Policy Report and the Building Australian Rail Skills for the Future report.
  • Continuing the engagement with the National Transport Commission and industry for the delivery of the National Rail Action Plan,
  • Releasing the Work in Rail program,
  • Participating in the Memorandum of Understanding with State and Commonwealth Governments on rail interoperability,
  • Strengthening the ARA’s involvement in both Sustainability and the rail industry in NZ,
  • Continuing the support for the growth of a younger more diverse rail workforce including the activities of our dynamic Young Leaders Advisory Board (Y-LAB),
  • Enriching the working relationship between the ARA, TrackSAFE and TrackSAFE NZ and
  • Contributing to the Rail Industry Innovation Council and also the International High Speed Rail Association.

“Whilst I am stepping down as chair of the ARA, I will continue in my important role as chair of the TrackSAFE Foundation into 2025,” Broad said.

“I want to thank all the ARA Board Directors for their strong support during my tenure as chair. I also want to thank ARA member companies for their support of both myself and the wider ARA team for the work that we continue to do on your behalf.”

The Board will establish a Sub-committee to oversee the process to determine the next Chair of the ARA. This will be a transparent process, allowing those with an interest in the role to engage with the recruitment process.

The Board will recommend a new Chair to the ARA membership for consideration and endorsement at the ARA AGM on Monday 25 November at AusRAIL 2024.

The post Chair of the ARA steps down appeared first on Rail Express.

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