Joe Biden’s trainwreck debate bounces back

It sounds like Plan B is even less palatable to the Democrats.

The morning after President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump saw a wave of calls for him to step down, but the octogenerian had a surprise in store.

Not only is he planning to see his campaign through to November’s election; he also plans to front up for a second debate against Mr Trump in September, according to CNN senior White House correspondent Kayla Tausche.

Mr Biden repeatedly froze and misspoke during the debate on Thursday, which left doubts in the minds of even the most hopeful viewers about his mental and physical fitness.

He also spoke in a soft, scratchy voice, which anonymous aides claimed was the result of a cold.

But he came roaring back on Friday (local time), delivering a rousing speech at a North Carolina rally that included admissions about his performance the night before but no doubt about his intentions.

“I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t talk as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to,” Biden said.

“Well, I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. I know, like millions of Americans, when you get knocked down, you get back up. 

“I know what it will take to bring this economy to everybody. I know what it’ll take to rally the world to stand up against Putin and defend freedom.

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