Victorian Freight Plan – update

Have your say on the update of the Victorian Freight Plan – the roadmap for the state’s freight system.

Since 2018 when we launched The Victorian Freight Plan, Delivering the Goods, we’ve boosted the volume, mass and speed of freight carried on Victoria’s freight network, at a time when the context for freight has changed.

Impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic, global conflict and local disruptions have thrust the supply chain into the spotlight.

Victoria generates more growth and jobs from freight than any other state. Our population and the freight task are ever increasing. We need to harness opportunities to boost supply chain efficiency, safety and connectivity through technological innovation and improved access to data.

Major investments in the West Gate Tunnel, North East Link, port rail projects and Inland Rail will create better freight connections. But we also need to partner with the private sector to drive Victorian investment and development. Collaboration will be key to building prosperous supply chains that deliver for all Victorians.

We’re seeing increased momentum for decarbonisation. The community is calling for action on climate change and improvements to air quality, particularly in industrialised areas such as Melbourne’s west. Reduction in freight emissions will be critical to meeting Victoria’s 2045 net zero emission goal.

Updating the Freight Plan will position the freight sector to meet Victoria’s future challenges – and we want your input!

How to participate

To guide feedback on the updating of the Victorian Freight Plan, a discussion paper posing key questions has been developed.

You can complete the survey or you can upload a submission below.

Please ensure you have read the Victorian Freight Plan discussion paper before you participate.


2 activities available


Complete the survey

Start survey


Upload a submission

Start survey


Next steps

Department of Transport and Planning will consider all submissions and feedback. Additionally, the Department will engage further with industry, expert supply chain consultants and traditional owner stakeholders.

All input will be considered during the drafting of the updated Freight Plan, with advice provided to government for consideration in late 2024.

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