Are Labour, Teals and Greens all playing us on renewables?

I just shared this but thought it was important that everyone knew about the latest Labor/Teal/Greens set up – make us plebs pay more for electricity to fund renewables.

Today the media are pushing how great Labor’s power the rebate is going to be.

But here’s what their strategy has been all along:

1. Reduce the solar rebate
2. Tell the masses with solar we now need to buy a battery that costs $7k (for 10 kw) Note: lithium batteries are prone to fire but the government don’t care
3. Almost DOUBLE the price of electricity
4. Send out bills warning power prices have gone up knowing full well people are suffering due to the cost of living. Remedy this by offer a helpline support, knowing few will call and when they do they’ll get nothing but a payment plan
5. Get the media to promote the rebate hard 6. Release the rebate to us plebs so that Labor look heroic when in reality they’re handing out *our tax money* to power companies who have doubled their prices!

We’re being played here

Credit: LISA

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