Civil war has broken out in England

Three children were brutally murdered in Southport by a migrant and the police are yet to act according to social media, so half the country has erupted into mass riots.

The migrants are also throwing acid and hitting people with hammers in counter protest.

The police are overwhelmed.

This is a continuation of violent episodes that have involved police being injured whilst trying to take back control of the streets.

Some elements of the Muslim community have called for calm stating the inhumane act has nothing to do with the Muslim religion.

People are incredibly upset at the British gov response which blamed the protestors anger for being misdirected, treating the British as second class citizens which further fuelled the riots.

This was destined to happen. It’s been building for years.

2 thoughts on “Civil war has broken out in England

  1. It seems people are confusing the Muslim community and religion with Islamic terrorism…

    As Islamic leaders enforce Shaiir Law which means women have no rights and if they say something against their male counterparts it dealt with in some horrible ways!

    As know a few Muslim as nice people it’s extremeist in each religion we got be wary about!

    Please don’t make the mistake of lumping that religion all in one group!

    The Jewish aren’t spared either as Moses was a good person Dathan was evil both same religion!

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