Trespassers, hundreds of near misses on Melbourne train network causing delays

Thousands of incidents of trespassers on tracks and hundreds of incidents of trains coming close to hitting people are causing significant delays across Melbourne‘s rail network each year, it’s been revealed.

There were almost 3000 incidents of trespassing on the Metro network in 2023, which amounts to more than eight a day. 

There were also 453 near misses across Metro’s train network and 124 on V/Line’s train network, each requiring train drivers to take emergency procedures to stop the train as quickly as possible.

A single trespasser can cause delays for up to 50,000 people. (Darrian Traynor)

Victorians are being urged to “Pause your tunes, look for trains” during Rail Safety Week to avoid putting themselves at risk around train tracks.

“Be alert, be safe,” Metro Trains CEO Raymond O’Flaherty said.

“The consequences can be terrible if you’re not paying attention and we want the rail network to be safe for everyone.”

A train travelling at full speed of 110km/h takes more than 400 metres to come to a complete stop.

Rail Safety Week is all about protecting commuters and railway staff. (Paul Rovere/The Age)

The incidents can also cause lasting trauma for everyone involved, including railway employees, their families, passengers and witnesses.

“A moment’s inattention around trains can be devastating,” O’Flaherty said.

“Trains can approach quickly and they can take a long time to stop.

“Don’t take risks around trains.”

Nine News

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