ABC journalist at Garma admits the failed voice referendum was to surrender power

Today an ABC journalist at Garma admitted the failed voice referendum was “to surrender power and hand it over”

It’s frightening to think how close we came to losing our country.

Let this be a reminder that it’s more important than ever to vote Labor/Teals/Greens LAST.

The Plan

That is exactly what it was about. A takeover by lies.

Any politician prepared to hand over our democracy to anyone, deserves to lose their seat in parliament.

5 thoughts on “ABC journalist at Garma admits the failed voice referendum was to surrender power

  1. Teals were placed only days before the last election to assure that labor got in. Greens were always an extension of labor also. WEF has placements in every country, paid actors ready to do anything necessary to take down the west. The Voice was a land grab attempt.

  2. Put PK and her crowd out of a Job and sell the ABC as they are useless at their jobs.
    And talkfest will never achieve anything for the Aboriginal living in Poverty with DV, Alcohol Drug Abuse and Child Rapes and Truth Telling, Treaty do not feed or Educate kids who are Homeless.

  3. But now we have the scary situation of immigrants coming in not properly checked and we will or could end up like the UK. Seems we have 2 fronts that will attack our freedom and our democracy!

  4. Vote them out they are globalists.


    I became suspicious when I saw a post from @antonioguterres who said he was disappointed with the result of our referendum.

    What was in his interest about our countries indigenous affairs

  5. It is my political, legal and personal opinion that we came to close for comfort.

    The major thing I take issue with is that those who are professional skilled in law, promoted this abomination of an Amendment while it in effect was direct racial discrimination. Our government asked us formally by legal instrument to discriminate against our fellow citizens. That is something.

    They knew, but just like medical practitioners during COVID they parked their knowledge aside, and followed the government’s pathway as lemmings.

    This says something about the lack of professional standards as one should always follow your knowledge and arguments for the greater interest of the Australian people. Due to the lack of arguments, they used only their position to try to convince us: “I am a former Justice, I am a Constitutional Law expert, I am a Law fellow of such and such faculty”.

    At the end many of them were without a common sense brain, as they forgot how academic professionalism works.

    As poor impressed I was with the legal profession, as proud I was with the Australian people. The lack of detail simply made them apprehensive and careful, they could not understand why a PM would not read a document relevant to changing the most important law in the Nation. They followed their gut feeling.

    The intention was always to transfer power. The intention still is to transfer power based on dividing the Nation on race. The same applies to Native Title, treaties and truth telling. It are all #UN and #WEF doctrines.

    The fact that Labor/Teals/Greens with the woke media keeps trying again and again, against the wishes of the Australian people says enough.

    I am confident that there is very much a united stand among Australians that the gravy train needs to be stopped by audits so that the money and support truly arrives at the destination, and that the gap needs to be resolved permanently.

    But no, this is not reached by dividing a Nation. Nothing is ever resolved by dividing people.

    Anybody advocating for Voice, Treaty, Truth-telling and Native Title is not sincere about resolving the problem. They simply using a minority group for their own interests.

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