Blaming UK riots on ‘far-right’ fails to address root cause of the unrest

The immediate cause of the rioting by white working-class mobs – universally dubbed “far right” by the mainstream media – was anger at the fatal stabbing last Monday of three little girls in the coastal town of Southport near Liverpool.

The stabbing is allegedly to have been done by the 17-year-old son of immigrants from Rwanda, who is accused of attacking a childrens’ dance class, killing the kids and injuring the adults who tried to protect them.

A delay by the authorities in releasing the name and ethnicity of the alleged perpetrator caused rumours to run riot on the internet.

Rioting in the UK

Most toxically the attacker was wrongly said to be a recent Muslim migrant who was on a security service watch list of dangerous terrorists.

The horrific attack on the children followed a recent spate of incidents involving immigrants, including an attack on armed police officers at Manchester airport, the near fatal stabbing of a senior army officer in Kent, and inter-ethnic riots and disorder in Southend and Leeds.

4 thoughts on “Blaming UK riots on ‘far-right’ fails to address root cause of the unrest

  1. And still the authorities have not fully come clean on the perpetrator and released all the details as to background and motivations… all we get is pics of him as an innocent-looking school kid who likes Dr Who and is mildly autistic (as though that is an excuse), so of course people will make up stuff.

  2. To believe that all these are Far-Right is a total misconception. It’s honest citizens jacking up with enough of these Islamic propaganda and mess from people who should not be their in the 1st place

  3. These are everyday people sick & tired of horrible policies & policing that resulted in children being knifed to death. As an Aussie of Asian descent, I support their protests & pray the people of UK win back their country from anti-Western forces & pro-WEF politicians

  4. Isn’t strange how these governments turn on the very people who were born in these countries? Do you really think that this what we laughingly call a government in Australia would act any differently???

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