Wood End and Beyond 2024-08-06 20:29:00

 The great clear out continues; well maybe great is a bit ambitious, but there is a definite movement. Much of this is via Ebay and some things that I thought were important to me have now been moved on. Notably any of the pair of narrow gauge titles to your right are now gone, but I am left with a few copies of the Southern and GWR which are going for around £13. The current items in the dispatch bay are here  

Much of this thinking has been discussed here in earlier posts and there is a major change underway. I’m taking a break from layout building for a bit and am seriously considering calling it a day on exhibitions (with the exception of a couple of mate’s ones) post Uckfield. As I explained to someone yesterday, I hate the early starts, operating, and getting pinned by some droning twat that I can’t escape from (e.g. the lorry driver on Sunday who was absolutely determined to tell me that Class 58s were still in mainline use and were still often seen at Portsmouth. Without an internet signal I couldn’t prove otherwise.) No wonder we as a social group get such a bad rap. I have also closed the rail-angled FB account in case anyone on there thinks I’m being anti-social. I’m now concentrating on the work FB/insta accounts and anything rail-ish will happen here.

The above is now finished and with the chaps at Peco. Rumour has it that it will be going to Warley (Statfold) and the SEC, though not with me. 

If you’ve enjoyed this waffle, show the love. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chrisford2Q

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