Dump the Suburban Rail Loop, fix the potholes

The Victorian government ignoring Infrastructure Australia’s request for more information on the Suburban Rail Loop for two years (“Rail loop funding stalls as lid kept on cost details”, 3/8), puts further question marks over this massive project.

With recently released data showing expected passenger numbers much less than required to justify the project, it seems either many details are yet to be finalised, or are potentially questionable when put in front of Infrastructure Australia experts. Having been originally conceived outside of the Department of Transport, professional analysis was sorely lacking before it was announced.

Given that it will monopolise rail spending for two generations, leaving a large swath of outer suburbs without heavy rail, the merit of this project is crumbling fast. Large numbers of Victorian roads are also crumbling, having been starved of funding for repair and resurfacing, leaving motorists dodging potholes across the state.

A total shift in transport priorities is surely needed.

Mathew Knight, Malvern East

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