Victoria’s sad and predictable decline under Victorian Labor

The sad decline of Victoria.

In 2000, Victoria’s GSP Per Capita was 5% above the Australian average.

Today’s it’s 13% below the national average ($79.8K vs $91.5k) and just ahead of SA & Tas.

Victoria is now a poor state.

The ALP has governed the state for 20 of the last 24 yrs and we have seen our rail freight networks trashed leading to more and more trucks and we now see the outcome of this decision with roads destroyed and more and more trucks still coming online as rail freight is reduced to next to nothing in the scheme of the network.

Under Jactina Allan we have seen a decade of projects run over by $billions of dollars and now understand the role the CFMEU has been playing on construction sites.

Surprised $30 billion dollars rorted from big build projects and cutting health spending to pay stop go sign holders with one weeks training 200 thousand dollars a year isn’t recognised cutting edge economic management by the bureau of statistics. – Tony Tardio

We have a North East Link project which has trashed the environment without a clear business case and a price tag that has over doubled in a few short years. Expect that project to cost over $20b by the time it is completed and what problem is it solving?

Victoria’s freight task will double over the next 20 years and we continue to pull up rail freight lines around the state and turn them into cycling tracks that are barely used. We cannot find money for the rehabilitation of much needed rail lines but money is always available for the removal of rail lines and the establishment of new rail trails.

Investment in Victoria is slumping to all time lows who would want to invest when you cannot get your produce to port and the roads are full of damage due to massive trucks?

Victoria’s annual freight task will over double between now and 2051 reaching 900 million tonnes per annum. How on earth is this to be achieved without significant investments in the Victoria Rail Freight network? Victoria is completely underprepared for this growth.

We have a government scared to ask highly paid public servants to return to the office because they are scared of the union’s position. We have business collapsing under the policies of this government. Many businesses have not yet recovered from extended lockdowns from the covid-19 virus we barely talk about anymore and think of it as another cold.

We have stupid projects like the Transurban based Westgate Tunnel not a tunnel at all but a traffic sewer right into the heart of Melbourne. A contract awarded when Tim Pallas held shares in the company awarded the contract.

When time Pallas resigns what legacy does he leave for all Victoria. Also is his meal allowance larger than other politicians?

Victoria is totally screwed under years of Victorian Labour.

4 thoughts on “Victoria’s sad and predictable decline under Victorian Labor

  1. What’s this garbage propaganda? Some anonymous clown with a chip on their shoulder has written this.

    What garbage: ‘Victoria’s freight task will double over the next 20 years and we continue to pull up rail freight lines around the state and turn them into cycling tracks that are barely used’
    Just because the author is some fat lard ass who would likely fall off a bicycle if they tried to ride one or worse…break it, needs to take the chip off their shoulder and get out of their car and do some exercise. They just might live a few extra years!

    1. Plenty of press around the challenges of great amounts of freight to move and Victoria is not doing a great job at how it works now.

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