One thought on “Temporary Australian migrants go to MPs office and demand permanent visas

  1. In Australia we wait and bide our time in the line whist getting permeant visas!

    Who the heck do they think they are demanding permeant visas?

    Someone must remind that they are visitors or guest, and if this how they treat our country’s regulations and rules their host, I say send them all back!!!

    As we don’t welcome ungrateful people who import their hatred from their former where they came from!

    This issues seems to a budding problem unvetted migrants from overseas some 3rd world nations who skipped the usual process criteria and character checks where past immigrants were expect satisfy before being accept as temporary or permeant citizen of Aus to live here peacefully and enjoy the fruits we have to offer them in what was the Lucky country…

    It now time for someone or a leader with a spine to nip this problem in bud and send these ungrateful people back where they came from before we have a civil war in our own backyard!

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