Saturday 10th – A big shunt and some visible progress

 Another Saturday, another major pre-season carriage shunt to start getting the rakes in the right order for the new season, now just 3 weeks away.

03 plus carriages went to…

and fro…

There and back again…
I’m reliably informed it all went more or less to plan, which is not always a given!

At one point the yard was positively littered with coaches, but it all came together in the end.
Onto the RBr then and it felt like good progress was made today. I started off putting another end section into undercoat.

At the back Alan went round welding up any identified pinprick holes and grinding them down, while Tony finished off the last of the initial sanding.

It was good to have Pam back after an absence of leave. She got going on the door edges.

Inside it was all go too with Dave fitting insulation now that welding had finished on the lower parts, while Phil carried on with the electrics and lights.
Paul captured me making a start with the filler. There’s an awful lot of patches of metal to blend together, and I wanted to see what I could do with this first section.

End of the day and looking much better. Just another 110 ft of coach sides to go!
Maurice escaped the din of the paintshop with sanders blaring for a bit to treat the undersides of the SR/GW van floor before fitting.

Robert cut some timber to fit the hole he made last week.
Drilling holes to fit while Maurice finishes off painting the underframe.

Wednesday evening Greg had done the Malvern side

Whilst the rest of us were outside doing an axlebox exam on…

This GWR milk tank, which by Saturday had been shunted ready to be collected on a low loader. It’s going on holiday for a bit to East Somerset Railway where they’re putting together a small milk train for a series of photo charters this year. Always pleased to support such endeavours.

On the Jjack road I think it was TSO 5042. whatever it was, John checked the ride height…

Before lifting it up to adjust springs and things assisted by Andy.

Upstairs work continues apace on the DFR Mk2 seats

This is the last lot left to do.

Not a huge amount of work going on with the FK in the workshop today, just Ken soldiering on with the end, her trial fitting one of the tank filler pipes.
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