Into a New Era

Ready for a new era on The Philden Model Railway Blog.

It is time to usher in a new era on The Philden Model Railway Blog. Since starting this blog back in May 2015, this site has always been undergoing constant improvement, much like my modelling skills. However, after the release of my final model railway book it was beginning to feel like I had taken The Philden Model Railway Blog as far as I could.

Apart from the occasional banner change, the original Philden Model Railway Blog had become constricted within the size of the framework it had kept over the past decade.
The new Philden Model Railway Blog uses a wider frame that provides breathe room for enhanced features and is size adaptive for the growing number of viewers using mobile devices.

Having recently completed full-time study in photography and gaining a Certificate III in Visual Arts for my efforts, I’ve been hitting the web hard with job applications and sounding out prospects in the hope of expanding upon a career as a self-published author. Sometimes however, a collaboration presents itself as a great alternative in the meanwhile. Which is what has occurred when handing over the blog design and day-to-day management of The Philden Model Railway Blog to Phillcreations.

Phillcreations is newly formed collaboration of creative types, whereby each person exchanges their skillset in a like-for-like manner whenever something is required outside their own field of expertise.

Enter me… Rather than waiting around for a job opportunity to arise, I have been able to bring a track record of an award-nominated author of 23 books and my newly crowned skillset as an award-winning photographer to the fold and feel valued in return. My newly branded Philli O Photography portfolio will be a feature on the Phillcreations Blog, providing them with ongoing content for their site and allowing me to move forward and concentrate on my photography instead of needing to build a whole new website and feeling lost in the crowd.

In return, both The Philden Model Railway Blog and my original Author website Phillip Overton were this week given a complete makeover. I don’t know what readers initial thoughts are, but the before and after screenshots of this blog are nothing short of amazing! The Philden Model Railway Blog was transformed within a 24-hour period without being offline during the entire makeover, and if you want to be treated to an image of what I looked like back in my prime in 2007, then be sure to check out my author blog here.

While I am still steering this blog by logging in to provide the content, behind the scenes it is being driven forward into a new era that will enhance ways to make the site profitable through collaborating with other modellers and industry types from around the world, without the continual need to ask readers to please buy my book. After a decade of trying to do everything on my own, it now seems exciting to be a part of this new era of growth where the words reviews, guest posts, interviews and product announcements are being discussed. I guess stay tuned to see what that looks like.

Until next time…

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