Victoria Police who work for Jacinta Allan asked to investigate the CFMEU

The head of the police force given the job of investigating the CFMEU on stage today with the head of a party given millions of dollars by the CFMEU.

Am I the only person who can already smell and engineered outcome and potential conflict of interest. The Government controls the Police Force in Victoria so there is a conflict of interest straight away.

The only way to deal with this is an independent Royal Commission.

Paton served his previous master without question. No reason he won’t have this covered up like the bike boy incident has been.

Why are Victorian’s continuing to put up with this blatant corruption?

One thought on “Victoria Police who work for Jacinta Allan asked to investigate the CFMEU

  1. Nothing will happens as everyone involved got their cut of the Mula…they pretending that they are sorting shits out,more like they are trying to find ways to settle the dust and ways to not get busted again…life’s goes on as nothing happens…its Mafias styles

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