Mystery at Mount Kailash: Strange ancient anomaly found near the summit

Mount Kailash is a mountain in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It lies in the Kailash Range of the Transhimalaya, in the western part of the Tibetan Plateau. The peak of Mount Kailash is located at an elevation of 6,638 m, near the trijunction between China, India and Nepal. 

In Tibetan Buddhism, Mount Kailash holds a special place as the Axis Mundi, or the center of the universe. Imagine it as the heart of everything, where heaven and earth meet. This sacred mountain isn’t just a random peak; it’s like the cosmic hub, connecting different realms together. 
In the year 1999, an expedition of Russian Scientists led by Dr Ernst Muldashev claimed that Mount Kailash is too perfectly shaped for a natural mountain. They have discovered that the top of Mt. Kailash is actually a man-made vacuum pyramid. It is surrounded by more than 100 other small pyramids. According to preliminary estimates, the direct height of the pyramid complex is between 100 and 1,800 meters, while the Egyptian pyramid is only 146 meters 
It is also believed to be the site of Lord Shiva, the god of destruction and rebirth as well as where the first human beings were created. 
According to the legend Shiva has left a giant footprint on the summit  of the mountain. Despite extensive searches, no concrete evidence of  this footprint has ever been found. 
While exploring Mount Kailash on Google Earth, I spotted a large, unusual anomaly near the summit. It resembles two hands, each with  four visible fingers, positioned opposite each other and seemingly carved into the rock. 
Could these huge hands be a kind of a ‘footprint’ of Shiva that people have been searching for? 

As for climbing up the summit, some daring mountaineers have attempted to do so, but with no luck. It also is said that who climb Mount Kailash age quickly. The time that human takes to age two weeks only take 12 hours in the mountain. Numerous hikers have detailed that they feel like their nails and hairs are developing rapidly within 12 hours. 
Trekking all the way up to the peak of Mount Kailash is held to be a forbidden act among Hindus for the fear of trespassing the sanctity of the mountain and disturbing the divine energies residing there. 
Even planes don’t fly over Kailash as Mount Kailash is said to possess a mysterious magnetic anomaly that disrupts navigational instruments and disrupts compass readings. This phenomenon has puzzled scientists with no concrete explanation offered to date. 
Coordinates: 31° 4’4.83″N  81°18’24.47″E
Mount Kailash is still a mystery. The unconquered peak remains wrapped in myths, legends, and spiritual tales.

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