Dutton reportedly seeks legal advice after Steggall’s ‘racist’ dig over Gaza visa

Peter Dutton is seeking legal advice after being called “racist” during a heated House debate on visas for Palestinians fleeing Gaza, Sky News reported on Sunday.

The opposition leader earlier this week moved a motion to suspend standing orders and debate Gaza visas, giving him the floor to accuse the government of dropping the ball on national security and make the case for a blanket ban on people fleeing the war-torn Palestinian territory.

But things boiled over when independent MP Zali Steggall told the House about a Palestinian refugee in her electorate who came “to Australia under a visa approved by the Morrison government under the same systems.”

Mr Dutton interjected several times, prompting Ms Steggall to snap.

“We heard you in silence,” she told the Liberal leader, after multiple interjections from Mr Dutton.

“You can hear me in silence. Stop being racist!”

Ms Steggall withdrew her comment, which was protected under parliamentary privilege, but repeated the claim several times outside the House.

Peter Dutton has since proclaimed he is not a racist.

One thought on “Dutton reportedly seeks legal advice after Steggall’s ‘racist’ dig over Gaza visa

  1. About time Peter Dutton had a spine to call a spade a spade…..

    Even Blind Freddy can see if their neighbouring countries around Gaza don’t want these people as refugees from Palestine one can presume they have suspect backgrounds and motives….

    It not racist to exercise caution in letting people in from waring nation without security and background checks like other migrants that come from overseas….

    Anyway we are full and our infrastructure can’t cope, and when you of Australians doing tough and falling through the gaps and ending up on the streets and sleeping in cars I will agree Australian First as we in no position of strength currently why import trouble, we already got our own problems here!

    We don’t want to be like UK or Europe having problems and civil wars on our shores….

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