Future of Regional and Long Distance Passenger Rail in New Zealand

A video presentation on the current, medium term and future of urban, regional, inter-regional and long distance passenger rail in New Zealand that can connect Aotearoa New Zealand 6 main cities with 13 provincial cities, major towns, semi rural towns and rural communities across the 13 of 16 regions that have rail connectivity.

Recording of an online presentation so the introduction is 1m8 secs in –

{{youtube: https://youtu.be/DgkS3OlznUI}}

For further information concerning the points raised in the online video presentation –

* [Connecting Communities Initiative](https://publictransportforum.nz/articles/article/connecting-communities-2030-01-02-2022) [](https://publictransportforum.nz/articles/article/national-passenger-rail-network-rebirth-09-01-2022)
* [New Zealand’s New Regional Passenger Rail Network](https://publictransportforum.nz/articles/article/new-zealands-regional-passenger-rail-network-20-08-2022)
* [Light Rail for Branch Lines](https://publictransportforum.nz/articles/article/light-rail-for-branch-lines-15-01-2022)
* [New Zealand’s National Public Transport Network](https://publictransportforum.nz/articles/article/national-public-transport-network-07-06-2022)

*The online video presentation is by Michael van Drogenbroek a Transport Consultant/Advisor at Heriot-Edievale Ltd with 30 plus years’ experience. Currently, he is working with various clients on rail, public transport, and freight development projects both in New Zealand and overseas jurisdictions including the Middle East.* \
*The online video presentation aired on 15 June 2022 as a webinar of the Rail Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA).* \
*This online video presentation on publictransportforum.nz with permission from the presenter.*

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