The Ginvo – Guardians of Elevena: Exploring the Ethereal Ginvo of Maruu

An elder Ginvo guides a younger member of their species, symbolizing wisdom and guidance in their serene culture on Maruu

The Ethereal Guardians: Ginvo of Maruu

The Ginvo hail from Canis Minor Procyon, a binary star system with a white dwarf, located 11.4 light years from Earth and is host to many different civilizations. The Ginvo name their star Elevena and their planet Maruu. They are part of the Council of Five.

In general, they are as tall as Terrans with faint noses, large brown to black eyes and brown skin. They live up to about two hundred years and have two genders. Their young ones have hair that they lose as they age, a sign of a genetic mutation in their race, still visible with children. Ginvo treasure their offspring above all and focus greatly on education. A spiritual and peaceful culture, they are unable to consider conflict.

They worship life and all living forms, viewing art as a spiritual expression, be it visual or musical. They have mastered the structure of minerals to perfection, building their habitats with crystals and gemstones. They are a magnificent race. Ginvo have visited Earth but never landed. Their ships appear translucent, often mistakenly called “etheric ships.”

Despite their peaceful nature, the Ginvo possess a deep understanding of cosmic energies and have been instrumental in maintaining harmony within the Council of Five. Their reverence for life extends beyond their own world, as they actively participate in interstellar cooperation and diplomacy. Through their exquisite mastery of mineral structures, the Ginvo have created breathtaking habitats that serve as testament to their advanced technological prowess and artistic sensibilities.

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