Refugees from Rigel: The Eldaru
They are a refugee colony from Rigel, related to Noor Lyrans but not survivors from the Lyran wars. They established on the 4th planet of the Procyon system, which they named “Eldar”.
Flight from Rigel
Tall blond humanoids with fair skin, cobalt to clear blue eyes and strong musculature, they are of the same species as the Pleiadeans, the Meton-Centaurians and the Hyadeans. They fled their world in the Rigel system (Orion) because of the attack of the Rigel Greys, a very aggressive species named “Grail” whose powerful civilization extends through the star systems of Rigel, Bellatrix, Betelgeuse and Mintaka (their home-world).
The Grail’s Deception
Unfortunately, the Grail found them again but arrived this time as ambassadors of peace. Willing to move on towards better exchanges, the Eldari welcomed them. The trap didn’t take long to reveal itself and in a short time, the Eldari were infiltrated in all levels of their social structures. The Grail, who are a Reptilian species, used the same techniques as they did on Earth; telepathic hypnosis acting on the reptilian levels of the brain. The Eldari were under the equivalent of a spell programming, helped by dark rituals and then, enslavement began. There was no way back.
The Eldari’s Secret
But the Eldari had a secret… Eldari had discovered time warping technology, a technique developed by reaching a specific level of consciousness and switching into another density of existence. Using multidimensional expansion of consciousness, a great number of Eldari were able to escape to another dimensional plane and try acting from there to change the course of events.
Ascending to Victory
Indeed, it was unthinkable to try fighting back a powerful enemy with inadequate weapons. In these situations, as it is happening at the moment on Earth for instance, it is required to understand what the best way to proceed is and as the Eldari, the Pleiadeans and all the Lyran progenies, the power of consciousness is a weapon surpassing all the soldiers of Shadow.
The best way to fight the reptilian races, be they Ciakahrr, Nagai, Do-Hu, Maytra, Zetan Xrog and all the rest, is to step up to a higher level of consciousness, from the trapped horizontal frequencies of the 3D matrix to a multi-dimensional awareness. These enemies possess the technology to throw our planet out of orbit, but there is one weapon that we have and they do not: the ability to raise our mind visualization to individual ascension towards Source. This is our key to victory.