Introduce a Trial Shuttle Passenger Train Service between Maryborough and Mildura

More than 75000 residents live in the Sunraysia and in communities along the Mildura rail line and they have not had a passenger train service since it was axed  under the Kennett government  in the early 1990’s. Despite  promises to restore the service by subsequent  governments, have failed to take place

Many members of our community including older Australians, the young, or those suffering physical disabilities find the current bus services from  Mildura are a pressing issue. They are not comfortable, nor are they well-suited to meet the needs of these riders. 

What we propose is a two-year trial period of a shuttle passenger train service connecting Maryborough and Mildura. Trains offer greater comfort levels and accessibility features than current bus services, making them a viable solution for those unable to utilise existing transportation options. Furthermore, introducing a shuttle train service could boost our local economy by encouraging increased trip frequency and tourism to our beautiful towns.

We fully support the proposal of the Rail Revival Alliance Victoria Inc in the introduction of this service. Details can be found at:

The service would connect with direct VLine Velocity services to Ballarat and Melbourne. A journey time of just over eight hours is anticipated

A two year trial would allow governments and the community to assess the level of passenger support for an ongoing passenger service  which could be expanded to cater for  the needs of the communities along the line. 

This is not a luxury, but a basic right to mobility and accessibility. Support us in petitioning for the introduction of this crucial train service. Make public transport in Victoria inclusive for all. Sign the petition today.

Please sign the petition at as soon as you can

2 thoughts on “Introduce a Trial Shuttle Passenger Train Service between Maryborough and Mildura

  1. Mildura sounds like a long way away howeve me the towns in between need transport too and this proposal would provide that. It is unlikely to go ahead because would be popular and then try and take it away.

    Maybe extend Maryborough to Dunolly with current service and see reactions but that would not solve Donald another big town.

    Give it a go I say.

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