Baseboards for Drovers Brook

 And there they are. In fairly short order two 3 x 1′ boards thrown together. The casual viewer may think these are quite neat. This is the good angle and the lower regions are a mix of off-cuts and the sort of thing that I stash at the back of the garage, but most people would put in a skip. Probably the same people who would lash out somewhere in the region of £200 for something similar to these in kit form from one of the board hawkers. These? Ten quid tops. Nearer five. And TBH they took no longer than it would have done to faff around with the kit versions. The mistake… there’s always at least one… was drilling out the side frames to save weight for transport until it dawned on me, while standing in a cloud of MDF dust, that as this project was not really for taking out that this was utterly pointless. The upshot is that one has holes and one doesn’t. 

All there is to do now is get them bolted together and lined up with the new domestic fiddle yard. Track down by next week. 

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