The Telosians – Keepers of Ancient Wisdom and the Agarthan Network

Two Telosians stand in a luminous underground cavern, representing their ancient wisdom and connection to the Agarthan network

Origins and Appearance of TELOSI (Telosii) (“Agharians / Aghartans / Shining Ones”)

They originate from Alpha Centauri 4, Planet Selo. They are tall white human beings, with pale glistening skin and white hair and highly developed telepathic abilities. Their eyes are clear, from grey to pale blue and their alimentation is plant-based, grown hydroponically in full spectrum artificial light. They use psychotronic technologies involving crystals, and universal life-force energy.

Ancient History and Migration to Terra

Telosii are an ancient Selosi colony who settled on Earth before the last Ice Age. Earth’s myths remember them as Lemurians but in fact, Atlanteans would be more accurate, as their civilization extended in the area of the Atlantic Ocean and its shores, which is why they migrated to the American continent, Western Africa and Western Europe after destruction of their lands.

Transition to the Underworld and Agarthan Connection

They disconnected with the Galactic Federation of Worlds as they migrated underground, becoming the western branch of the Agarthan network. Aghartan is the general term for all the different species inhabitant of Earth’s underworld. Telosii have interbred with Earthlings and their gene markers show up regularly within Earth’s population. Alike their cousins Selosii working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Telosii are by nature benevolent people inclined to assist humanity remembering its ancient history, help in its ascension and improve health and longevity.

Spiritual Mission and Environmental Advocacy

Their rhythm of existence is different from Earths, calmer and quieter, vibrating in a slightly higher density. They work at helping the preservation of the environment and the ecosystems, as well as fighting the new religious systems that disconnect human beings to nature, to their own power and to source. Helping Earthlings to recover hidden knowledge, they provided many tools and hints, guiding archaeological discoveries and also, offering keys to decode ancient knowledge. Telosii are at the origin of the crop circles, geometrical clues guiding the decoding of a lost science.

Underground Cities and Diplomatic Intrigues

Nowadays, we can count about a million and a half inhabitants of a reestablished network of antediluvian colonies, widespread underneath the surface of the planet, in a vast system of caverns. The main networks are located: below the region of the Gobi desert and surroundings, in a vast cavern systems below Tibet linking the central Asian systems and finally, on the American continent around Mt. Shasta in an underground city named Telos.

Reptilian Intrusion and Benevolent Resistance

Unfortunately, “enticed” to provide facility of the existing underground structures, an important faction of the Telosii joined forces with the Grey and Reptilian collectives to bond with the American government by the Washington-Telos Alliance. There is a whole diplomacy of its own going on underground between Earth’s military, Telosii, Agarthans, Greys (Maytrei, Zetai, Kiily-Tokurit) and Reptilians (Ciakahrr & Nagai mainly), as these Reptiloid species progressively took over the majority of the Telosi underground network.

Rebellion and Alliance with the Galactic Federation of Worlds

Nevertheless, a rebellion roars in a secret alliance of the Aghartan races, some Telosii and secret factions in the US governments, preparing their agenda for fighting back the Reptilians, getting rid of them and put an end to this oppression. This secret benevolent alliance has, at this moment in time, joined forces with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their ships are called “The Silver Fleet” and are either discoidal or spherical. It is them creating the crop circles by a technic using sound frequency, in order to give humanity keys to unlock an ancient knowledge.

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