Norway postpones ERTMS launch due to “global supply crisis”

The launch of ERTMS on the Norwegian Nordlandsbanen will take place later than expected. Infrastructure manager Bane NOR cannot get its hands on the necessary component parts to implement the system at a sufficient scale.
“Now we have challenges with access to electronic components, cables and brackets to be installed in the trains. We have therefore chosen to postpone the opening until more trains are ready. It is more important that Nordlandsbanen has a good train offer than that we stick to the original date of putting the new signaling system into use in the autumn”, says Sverre Kjenne, executive vice president for Operations and Technology at Bane NOR, in a press release.

ERTMS is an intensive process

The refurbishing of trains for ERTMS is an intensive process, during which train companies will have access to fewer locomotives, explains Bane NOR. More than 400 trains have to undergo a conversion in the coming ten years. “This is demanding for the train companies, who have limited sets of trains. Bane NOR works closely with the supplier and the Norwegian Railway Directorate to minimize the inconvenience for the train companies, freight traffic and passengers”, the company says.

“When we now have a supply crisis in the world at the top of this demanding rebuilding period, we have come to the conclusion that it is no longer appropriate to keep the opening time for the Nordlandsbanen”, says Sverre Kjenne. “It is feared that the challenges may increase in scope in the future. We are completely dependent on future deliveries to reach our goal, and are following the situation closely.”

Bane NOR intended to take ERTMS into use on two sections this year. First up was the Nordlandsbanen between Grong and Bodø in October, and afterwards the Gjøvikbanen between Roa and Gjøvik in November.

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