mRNA Vaccines Should Be Halted Until Safety Is Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt

An embalmer received a private message from another embalmer who removed this clot today. I can’t say much about it they must remain anonymous or possibly get fired.

It’s important that you know that there are other embalmers seeing it as well. They just can’t publicly speak out about it.

A peer-reviewed study has uncovered undeclared self-assembling nanostructures in Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines. Observations include potential toxicity and unknown effects.

At the same time, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for allegedly misleading the public about the vaccine’s risks to pregnant women and potential heart disease, citing a violation of the Consumer Protection Act.

Given the growing body of evidence—ranging from peer-reviewed studies to legal actions—it’s time to seriously reevaluate the safety and efficacy of these vaccines.

Transparency and accountability are essential for public trust. Independent research and an honest review of the risks must come first.

We owe it to public health to halt further distribution until the true safety profile is fully understood.

2 thoughts on “mRNA Vaccines Should Be Halted Until Safety Is Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt

  1. Are any of these clots coming out of people unjabbed who’ve not had jabbed blood transfusions, organs or sex with someone jabbed?
    Basically, is there any suggestion shedding is noticed in people via these clots being found if none of the above has occurred?

    1. The issue is with the vaccine and the fact it is mRNA and they have nanobots that invade your body. They leave the arm and move throughout your body. Robert Malone who is one of the original developers of the mRNA technique is now speaking out about how bad this really is.

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